24 February 2010

Lesson learned

And in the best possible way. You know how back in January I mentioned how things turned around for me? Well the lesson I have learned is that you need to not only have faith, but you need to keep that faith, because no matter what things will turn around. My sister once told me you get what you give, and to keep that in mind all the time.
In the past, I have complained about various topics and claimed I have been "broken," or whatever, but now I see that as a simple step to getting to where I want to be; where I am now. Get past the people you can't trust, and you will see there were people you could trust there all along. If you don't give up on something you love, it will turn around for the better, and the favor will be returned.

Alright, I do realize this is different from the stuff I usually write, but I had an average day until one thing after another turned around and I got a whopping dose of wonderful karma. I want people to be able to be as happy as I am right now, so this is my advice for you.

Maybe karma's a bitch, but it's the best bitch I know.

1 comment:

  1. One, I certainly think this is inspirational. Two, I'm glad you're happy/not broken anymore. Tres, that's three in Spanish. Four, I'm talking to you right now. Five, Karma = Fantastic a lot of the time and I really like all the karma that's going on in your life. Good for you.. Berry! Egg? Haha, do you remember that?
