19 March 2013

A Fork in the Road, a Knife in the Map

Much have I traveled in the realms of gold
Free until you halted me that winter morning
Suddenly, everything turned to ice.
The box had been opened.
Unclaimed guilt turned into scars
Because you were helpless, but then again,
So was I.
What once came in small doses now slapped me in the face
So you took that hand and broke it with your remaining strength,
Swept me up and showed me a new way
To look at the morning.
Now our scars match, but they're beautiful
And I can travel the realms of gold again
Because you laid the path.



Danger in her eyes
Fire beneath fingernails
She, little weapon


And so you played it
Honey-colored music notes
Breathless at the taste
Captivated, you had me
Contagious love behind sound


How is it only Monday? I leave for home on Saturday, and based on how slowly today went by, it's going to be a long haul to get there. While there is a feeling of victory in that I finished my research paper this evening, there is still (and always seems to be) more work to do. I'm hoping that spring break can serve as a catch-up time--both in sleep and work. Yesterday I went to bed at 5 in the morning so I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of sleeping next week. Not too many thoughts for today other than the glacial pace of time. Today The Shins came and played a concert at Tulane, which was awesome, so I'll share a favorite song of mine:

18 March 2013

17 March 2013

New favorite


So it's been a little over a year since I've used this blog, and while I considered deleting it for a while, I have recently decided to just keep writing in it. I'm on my computer so much anyway for school and spend hours slaving over work in the library that I figured this could be a nice outlet for when things get too stressful. I doubt anyone actually reads this anymore though, so maybe it will just be a chronicle of thoughts. Just something to keep me sane.
I have an 8-11 page research paper due on Tuesday and am doing just about anything to avoid writing it. But my friend changed my Facebook password so that's no longer an option (for the best). So now I'm back on here. More later, I suppose.

Found this recently, I really like it: