24 January 2010


So I actually have a poem for you today. Although I don't really think it's a poem, considering it could completely be written out in paragraph form. I guess I feel bad for not really following my word, but oh well. Here goes.

Oh, this past week has been a blur,
Writing every so often just to keep my promise.
Instead of working,
I won't lie,
I was worked up over everything you've said,
Worked up over the times you have screamed at me,
Worked up over a lack of sleep,
Tossing and turning while twisted dreams
Spin tales in my head.
I was worked up over how you never return the favor,
But is it really a big deal?
In this neverending struggle,
You better believe it is.
Hold me close,
Though I'll protest,
Clawing to get away from your supposed comfort,
Deep down I think I really need it.
I just need to get out
Of this city for a while,
Step for a second into a
Beautiful new world.

Thank god my flight is booked. Friday, February 26th, 12:05 P.M.

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