Slip into this dreamy depth of darkness with me,
Close your eyes and say you're mine,
But don't be afraid
To yell out loud,
Letting go of regrets
And dropping grudges.
Imagination intellectually disintegrates into oblivion,
Vowels repeat themselves
Like a fucking metronome, ya know?
It's that ticking
Sound that sticks in your head
Like a stupid song
Telling a story of nonsense
That even the writer don't know.
Alliteration always accurately accentuates the mood. Unless it's assonance. Then vowels visually enhance every single simple tedious thing.
Silently we stalk seemingly stupid secret
Lovers, longingly leaning into each other, a
Purposely passionate kiss places on her plump lips, a
Barely audible breath
Escapes her ever so delicate
Mouth as he manipulates
Her thoughts, shaping words and sculpting visions of their future together, and the alliteration ends.
Hello beautiful day,
Please come and save me
From this dreary mess
You call heartbreak.
You have
Imprisoned me for too long,
Behind bars
Covered in fingerprints of my dreams.
Kiss me and release my fears.
I truly believe you are the only one that can save me.
Take that key I know you have
And make simple turn
That will change both of
C'mon and take my hand,
Bring me to where you know
I can fly
And you can fly with me.
Freedom. Maybe that's what I want.
Yo, totally just looked through your whole blog to find the pic. Didn't even know until now! My bad, girl.