Just when I thought I was being the best for you, you prove me wrong.
In most cases, that statement would be about a stupid boy that did something dumb. But it's not. It's actually a friend. Which just makes it worse.
The way you've made me fall for you
Has swept me off my feet.
Your simple texts,
Words chosen so carefully,
Your desire to make me smile,
Conquering over so many priorities,
Just makes me want to
Tell you how I really feel.
I told myself to wait,
To be patient, for someone
Better to turn up,
And I think you're that
Person I've been waiting for.
People often ask if my feet are cold, but the answer is always no.
I wish I could put my life on shuffle,
So I would never know
What was coming next.
One unexpected adventure
After another,
Simply changing at the press of a button.
From love lullabies
Cooing us to reassurance,
To angry but clever rhymes,
The only thing keeping me from
Breaking that door again.
Sometimes I don't want to know
What happens next.
I'd rather open my eyes to something new.
Somehow we slip through
Seemingly surreptitious
Passages, plowing past piles of
Touseled tracks, torn together
By tons of tumbling twigs.
I don't really know why I included that wordplay thing. I just liked the contradiction of "torn together."

It only matters how big your heart is.