31 March 2010

Separation, liminal space

Today, I was exhausted. So, naturally, after finishing failing my Spanish test, I wrote.

Slipping in and out
Of consciousness
Like a wounded soldier,
Stranded in the
Eyes struggle to stay open,
Falling walls as they are hit with bombs,
Never to return
To solidity again.
Into this dreaming state
We stumble
Slowly, like falling,
Uncontrollable yet avoidable.
Imagination defines our path
From the day we enter this earth,
Painting our way
Through streets
Through space
Through time
Through love and through hate,
We escape
With imagination.

In math, we learned about exponential graphs. This is what today was like:

"Sure, the straight-A students might get nice jobs, but it's going to be all the C students that change the world." -my favorite teacher and mentor

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