Your hugs have that familiar smell, that distinct comforting warmth that always seems to reappear in my daydreams, my nightmares; take your pick. There are the things that I love about you, the things that keep me coming back.
You loan me your jacket on the coldest days, claiming you don't need it, when the icy wind bites at your arms. Personally, I don't care that the jacket is too big; it's yours, and that's all that matters.
You've written countless songs, bought dozens of flowers, and apologized a million times. But none of that will ever cover for your past. Didn't you know you broke me? Haven't you realized by now that I'm different than I was before, changed after that night?
The scar just above my right elbow reminds me every single day of your strong arms against mine, the branch cutting into my arm as you trapped me.
The bruises are faded by now, though I hid them before; it's been 15 days, they're almost gone. I'll be honest, I could not stand the sight of them. I made myself believe that someone who loved me as much as you did could not hurt me. It turned out that that belief just caused me more pain in the end.
Your smile, your threats, your support, your hits, your promises, your lies.
Is it even possible for a person to love someone and be afraid of them at the same time?
Well, I guess you have shown me.
On the flip side... I LOVE MY LIFE: 05/05/10.
You're welcome for the flowers.. But can I have my jacket back now?