I don't really feel like explaining yesterday. It was difficult, but invigorating. In short, I can't say I've ever run out of tears to cry before then. But now I am even more zoetic (look it up).
One of my favorite things in the world is water. Pool, ocean, lake, you name it. My best friend and I have this in common. She is also one of my favorite things in the world. I've been really scatter-brained or really focused lately, depending on the time, so please forgive me if you don't like this entry. Many thoughts, many inspirations.
Reluctantly, I step further and further

Until it has control of my knees, my legs, my hips, my shoulders.
It could have my head too, but I won't let it.
Wave take you
Shape you
Make you
Break you.
Something about the rush of the water
Surrounding me
And passing as quickly as it came,
Makes me feel more alive
Than I ever could be on land.
I am being manipulated
And set free at the same time.
I search, but I have already found,
But a breath only lasts so long.

Yesterday I was asked "if you were a cookie, what kind would you be?" I said those store-bought sugar cookies - they're surprisingly fluffy, with a slightly exaggerated amount of color, almost too much frosting, but at the same time the perfect amount. Whether you want to save the middle, with the most frosting, or scrape it off and save the soft part for last, is up to you.
I have a confession...
Each morning I plan out
Things to tell you,
Anxiously awaiting to see that
Familiar spark in your eyes
I have memorized.
Some days I want nothing more
Than to declare to you;
I have a playlist in your name,
Every song you love, and I love,
Every song we talked about, argued about,
Every song you hate, and I hate.
I have your notes saved,
The paper's edges delicately torn
From rereading them so many times,
Your imperfect handwriting a clear picture in my mind.
I have your texts,
Perfectly worded, but months old,
Sitting preciously at the end of my inbox,
Locked and never to be deleted.
I have a confession.
Love it? Hate it? Let me know.