25 December 2010
14 December 2010
2 down, 4 to go

10 December 2010
09 December 2010
Letter to you
I forgot your birthday.
I started my blog on November 27th, 2009, and since then, I have done nothing but grow. It's funny to see when I was being a silly teenager, head over heels one day and melodramatic the next. Oh wait, that sounds familiar...
One of the items on my makeshift bucket list - created during my Buried Life obsession - was to keep my blog for a year. Thank you so much to everyone who reads this, whether you have glanced at it once or followed it the entire time. Thank you to those who comment, and thank you to those who don't but reveal themselves - the surprise that someone still keeps up with my ramblings never fails to make my day. Thank you for dealing with my crazy emotional ups and downs and my endless rants about boys, sports, life, whatever.
Anyway, one thing I've learned is that my Tuesday Tellings (for those of you who don't know, that was my weekly secret-revealing) were a mistake. Once I started keeping my personal secrets, I felt more like I had a story. And isn't that what I always wanted?
Speaking of stories, I have made the decision to tell a new person my story. This person has become increasingly more important to me, and I value their opinions and care about them probably more than they realize. I hope they are ready to hear what I have to say.
06 December 2010
Stuck, frozen, stopped

04 December 2010
Dickinson titles, take 2
Wild Nights, Wild Nights!
God is a distant, stately Lover –
I cannot live without You.
I’m Nobody! Who are You?
This is my Letter to the world –
Because I could not Stop for Death –
He preached upon “breadth” till it argued Him narrow.
This World is not Conclusion –
There’s a certain Slant of Light.
I dwell in possibility
Because I Could Not stop for death –
My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun –
I never lost as much but twice
Wild nights, wild nights.
This is my letter to the World
I began with “Wild Nights, Wild Nights!” and left it all capitalized to illustrate a title, an opener that would set the scene and leave a reader interested to find out more, like what made the night “wild,” and who is involved? The next line answers ‘the who’ and ‘the why’ – the narrator has a love affair with God, and he is her caretaker. Her life depends on him and his guidance – without Him she is nobody; she has no physical identity to call her own. However, she questions his reliability to save her from her confusion over who she really is. “Nobody” and “You” are capitalized to show names, and to emphasize that the only character with a real name in the poem is God, and that the woman has nothing to call herself. She then says “this is my Letter,” a transition into her retelling of what happened during this wild night.
The narrator could not stop death from approaching. She was losing her physical self because she had already lost all sense of her identity, her mental being. “Stop” and “Death” are both capitalized because they are both out of her control and have more power over her. In the next line, He and Him are the only words capitalized, illustrating her dependence on her lover, and also following the way the Bible describes God. He argues, fights for her freedom from her daily struggles, proving that he is loyal to her and cares for her well-being.
“This World is not Conclusion” – her life does not end here, and the dash placed at the end of the line indicates that there is more to be said. Although she has given in to her death, she will go to heaven and be united with God again. The material world has concluded, but only opens up an entirely new spiritual world. This world is her certain slant in the light of the darkness of the wild night.
“I Could Not stop for death” is said a second time, this time with the emphasis on “could not.” Here the narrator officially admits her surrender, letting the reader know that this is what has happened and that she is no longer resisting. At this point, her life is a loaded gun, ready to release the bullet and fly into her new life on a different side. She “never lost as much but twice,” then “wild nights” is said twice. This stanza contains two repeated lines and words (stop for death and wild nights), both of them said twice. The narrator has two selves, the physical and the mental, and passes from the material world into the second world, which is the spiritual. Even though she has “lost” her life in the body, she moves on to where she will be happier. “Wild nights, wild nights” was an intimate, personal decision for her lover.
And finally, the poem ends in a single line, repeating the last line of the first stanza – “This is my letter to the World”, and this time the emphasis is on letter, not world. We have read her first letter, her explanation, and now we turn the attention to her World, her destination from one of confusion to one of happiness. Similar to Whitman’s poems, the line ends without a period, showing that this is not the end of her story.
Dickinson titles
I dwell in Possibility—
Because I could not Stop for Death—
My Life had Stood—a Loaded Gun—
I heard a fly buzz—when I died.
There’s a certain slant of Light
The Brain is wider than the sky—
This World is not a Conclusion
Much Madness is divinest sense—
This is my letter to the World—
Tell all the Truth but tell it Slant
19 November 2010
15 November 2010
Things will pass. Things will go on. You will see happiness again, and your hard work will pay off.
Thank you for your help, you have no idea what it means to me.

"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
14 November 2010
11 November 2010
It's funny how we age. We grow older and lines scar our eyes where we once smiled, and as those lines increase, the lines on our brains deepen with things we have learned.
Your arms grow tired of embraces, and your legs grow tired of walking, of searching.
The spaces between your fingers have widened from holding so many others, and your fingers need rest.
It's funny how we learn. How we seemed so young, so innocent, so vulnerable just yesterday, a million chances we have yet to take and thousands of facts we have yet to discover.
With each day, we age, we learn, we survive. The earth has years of stories beneath its ever-changing surface, carved by mountains and rivers, tales that are waiting to be told.
But just because we age does not mean we are old, and just because we learn does not mean we are wise. We are never those qualities in our own eyes, but rather the eyes of others. You are not wise until you are told so, and we are not old until we compare with someone younger.
Age is not about a number, it's about the time you have had to learn. Wisdom is not about the standards of intelligence, it is about the experiences you have had, what you get out of them, and what you choose to do with them.
Intelligence should not be categorized by numbers, but rather your potential to teach.
10 November 2010
It does not matter how many times you have visited their house or conversations you have had with them, your heart will always be bruised by their absence, an aching to bring them back for the sake of their family.
What were once laughs turn into choked gasps, struggles for air as your heart and mind collide in forming sounds.
Death is a profound thing.
John Hindle, know that although you have not directly impacted my life, your loss has affected hundreds if not thousands around you. Your family has provided some light in my life and know that we will always be thinking of you.
09 November 2010
31 October 2010
25 October 2010
11 October 2010
Isn't it funny how no one cares?
This is all I have for you.
A brick wall
That is the only thing in front of me,
Stretching for miles,
No way through, only up and
Over, if I can get myself over.
Suddenly something comes over me
And I swing at the wall,
Hoping to break
And bleed through this barrier.
Gasping for air,
My lungs threatening to collapse
Under my heaving breaths
And tired heart.
There seems to be no escape,
Only left here to perish.
And so you leave me alone to figure it out.
05 October 2010

22 September 2010
19 September 2010

18 September 2010
16 September 2010
I'm a little bit of everything right now. Sick, stressed, alive, tired, happy. Overall, I would say I'm satisfied.
I got what I asked for.
15 September 2010

I think I have decided what I want to do. But I am too scared to go after it.
14 September 2010

13 September 2010

06 September 2010
05 September 2010

"The school system was invented by industrialists, and its only function was to train people to work in factories. When you slap on top of it standardized testing and No Child Left Behind, what you are left with is a system optimized for compliance - the opposite of what we need. What we need to teach is how to solve interesting problems." -Seth Godin
02 September 2010

31 August 2010
30 August 2010
Coffee shop romance

My mind's been swimmin',
But it sure feels like I'm drowning.
Please be my life jacket,
Wrap yourself around me and help me float.
Bring me back to shore,
Because in this panic,
I have lost
All sense of direction.
When I stop hearing,
Point out where I can heal.
And when I stop seeing,
Take my hand,
Whisper to me what to do.
And when I go numb,
Sing me a song to bring
Warmth back into my heart.
You can heal me,
But until you start trying,
I'll just sit here slowly falling apart.
29 August 2010
Time off

18 August 2010
17 August 2010
Reverse psychology

Beginning to run didn't help
'Cause her footsteps only echoed,
Falsely forming the presence of another,
And so in turn
Her heart
Outrunning her feet
Until it felt like bursting.
She stopped, her chest heaving
Like churning waves, but her mouth
Was as dry
As a desert.
A light flickered, momentarily
Seizing her attention, leaving behind
Her breathing
For a second.
The firefly lit up in front of
The streetlight
And for a moment they were identical,
In unison,
Together painting a new dimension
Purely of light.
Absorbed in this world,
She shuts her eyes until
She sees spots, hoping that maybe
When she opens them again
She'll be home.
Day opened its young eyes first.
There is no sun, but I can see light on the horizon.
You thought I was kidding, I thought you were stupid.

Sun spots like you see
In the movies, tracing closely, copying
The path I walked.
An old tree sat there.
Silent and simultaneously telling a thousand tales
With its scarred skin.
Peeling but still alive,
Reeling but at peace,
Feeling but out of touch
From the rest of us.
A ladder, never given life, led a path
Up the tree
But I couldn't see the top,
Craning my head like we did in
New York City, holding hands
And struggling to see
The sky.
But this forest is another kind
Of city,
Disintegrating instead of expanding.
These bittersweet goodbyes they give,
A bad aftertaste in your heart.
But with their hands
And with their hearts
They will catch your tears,
Erase them but still leaving a trace -
A warm scar,
Reminding of you of this place you call home
And now leave behind,
Unsure but hopeful of return.
Your body departs
But your soul will forever stay
With the gently lapping waves
Of the lake,
And the whispers of Mattimuro.
Driving away,
You slip on sunglasses
To soften your stares on what is
Ahead. Your tears have dried
But that scar remains,
Still beating in your heart -
That place looks harsh out there, but you think
To yourself, reminded of next summer -

"I like the way the world looks behind these lenses."
16 August 2010
Feelin brand new and I jumped up
Feelin my highs, and my lows
In my soul, and my goals
Just to stop smokin, and stop drinkin
And I've been thinkin - I've got my reasons
Just to get by, just to get by

I've lost all track of time
14 August 2010
You've got me in circles
So... the solution? Take me home again.
30 July 2010
Big Old Life - Philip Martz
27 July 2010
The People Yes - Carl Sandburg
The people will live on.
The learning and blundering people will live on.
They will be tricked and sold and again sold
And go back to the nourishing earth for rootholds,
The people so peculiar in renewal and comeback,
You can't laugh off their capacity to take it.
The mammoth rests between his cyclonic dramas.
The people so often sleepy, weary, enigmatic,
is a vast huddle with many units saying:
"I earn my living.
I make enough to get by
and it takes all my time.
If I had more time
I could do more for myself
and maybe for others.
I could read and study
and talk things over
and find out about things.
It takes time.
I wish I had the time."
The people is a tragic and comic two-face: hero and hoodlum:
phantom and gorilla twisting to moan with a gargoyle mouth:
"They buy me and sell me...it's a game...sometime I'll
break loose..."
Once having marched
Over the margins of animal necessity,
Over the grim line of sheer subsistence
Then man came
To the deeper rituals of his bones,
To the lights lighter than any bones,
To the time for thinking things over,
To the dance, the song, the story,
Or the hours given over to dreaming,
Once having so marched.
Between the finite limitations of the five senses
and the endless yearnings of man for the beyond
the people hold to the humdrum bidding of work and food
while reaching out when it comes their way
for lights beyond the prison of the five senses,
for keepsakes lasting beyond any hunger or death.
This reaching is alive.
The panderers and liars have violated and smutted it.
Yet this reaching is alive yet
for lights and keepsakes.
The people know the salt of the sea
and the strength of the winds
lashing the corners of the earth.
The people take the earth
as a tomb of rest and a cradle of hope.
Who else speaks for the Family of Man?
They are in tune and step
with constellations of universal law.
The people is a polychrome,
a spectrum and a prism
held in a moving monolith,
a console organ of changing themes,
a clavilux of color poems
wherein the sea offers fog
and the fog moves off in rain
and the labrador sunset shortens
to a nocturne of clear stars
serene over the shot spray
of northern lights.
The steel mill sky is alive.
The fire breaks white and zigzag
shot on a gun-metal gloaming.
Man is a long time coming.
Man will yet win.
Brother may yet line up with brother:
This old anvil laughs at many broken hammers.
There are men who can't be bought.
The fireborn are at home in fire.
The stars make no noise,
You can't hinder the wind from blowing.
Time is a great teacher.
Who can live without hope?
In the darkness with a great bundle of grief
the people march.
In the night, and overhead a shovel of stars for keeps, the people
"Where to? what next?"

25 July 2010
18 July 2010
09 July 2010
08 July 2010
07 July 2010
Tuesday Tellings, week ?
06 July 2010
Forty days

05 July 2010
You hear but you don't listen
Today was one of those days when you have way too much time to yourself and way too much time to think about things. And if you've met me for more than five minutes, you know I overanalzye pretty much everything.
So here's my question for you, some food for thought, the crazy quiz of the day - are you happier when you kind of push away all the negative, not necessarily getting rid of it but simply dismissing it, or are you happier if you just face the negatives, even if it brings you pain or sadness or whatever it might bring?
That's something I was thinking about.
Also, I really didn't want to post today because that means that the last post on this blog would go to the "next" page, and it was one of the poems I have written recently that I genuinely liked. You know, the majority of the time I just write on this. I rant. I don't really care what it says, I just write it and put it out there.
Keep marching 'til your feet split open.
03 July 2010
I could feel each individual blade
Of grass,
Cool, contrasting
With my warm skin,
Which you touched,
Sliding from my toes to my knees
And back again
As you sat behind me, my
Back on your chest and your arms
Barely rested on mine.
Let's pretend we're five again,
Watch the fireworks.
I'll look at you and
Watch them dance in your eyes.
I'll kiss you and
Realize I don't need to open my eyes
To see fireworks.
02 July 2010
01 July 2010
"There was this time when everything seemed to have come together. And so obviously it was time to go and screw it up."
Hey, thank you for making me feel though.
30 June 2010
29 June 2010
Tuesday Tellings, week 17

I'm not in it to win it, I'm in it for you
There was the same time
Every day
That the sun came
To rest on the table,
Warming the clear glass,
Coating its wood surface.
One day
I was so sick of this routine
Seeing the same thing
Every day,
So I scratched the glass,
And it made a harsh noise
I swear, I swear.
It echoed with your voice
Still trapped in the room,
From everything except
My presence,
Not willing to go anywhere.
Now your voice is gone
But the scratch lingers.
28 June 2010
Breaking reflection
This mirror not only reflects the obvious -
Dust lingering on the glass,
Doubles so close,
A duplicate world
dlrow etacilpud A
That you can almost touch
All sight, no sound.
Take a picture
And you'll see
The brother flash,
But she won't dare take pictures
'Cause she doesn't feel
She doesn't feel beautiful enough.
She's been handed so much time to overcome -
Overcome what?
Overcome all those obstacles
That she has left silent,
That she has left in the battlefield for so long,
Left bloody and bruised but certainly still alive.
She just runs by it
'Cause she doesn't feel
She doesn't feel strong enough.
One day she was running,
The star on the necklace
Her father gave her softly
Hitting her chest
As a reminder
That he is always there
That he is always there
Even if she runs away
'Cause she doesn't feel
She doesn't feel good enough.
She was running
And she halted 'cause there was
There was a stranger standing there quietly,
A stranger who asked a question that froze
Her world momentarily,
A stranger who asked the question,
"Why do you run?"
And she was
For just a second,
But she said "to break the mirror.
To step on all the people that made me feel."
Then she kept running.

27 June 2010
Lucky number seven
Seven hours in the sun.
Seven weeks left until you come home.
Seven months of blogging as of today.
Strange how time goes by, isn't it?
I've been redundant lately. My apologies.
Yesterday as I stared out the window
I noticed the shadow
Stayed still,
While everything else flew by.
Trees, insignificant signs, broken
Down cars.
Choose to slow it down
If you will
Unless you're eager to get
To where you want to be.
The scene changes
The location changes
But it is always a destination.
26 June 2010
25 June 2010
I'm learning to process this.
I'm learning to accept this.
I'm learning to live with this.
I'm learning to go along with this.
I'm learning to have fun with this.
I'm learning to enjoy this.
23 June 2010
This too shall pass
22 June 2010

And you can't win all the time, you just have to face it.
So here's the poem I promised you:
Since you parked on that corner,
No one has dared
Touch that spot.
It was where you held my hand,
And time seemed to
While the rain continued
To fall.
3 A.M., and the thunderstorms
Start, not unlike
The night you dropped me off,
The threatening raindrops.
On my bed that sweater
Patiently waited, listened to the old clock's tales.
The article of clothing
Was once a
New gift,
But its fibers
No longer hold your smell,
Instead contain tears
Drying from my tired face
Only to be replenished soon after.
You say
"Don't cry my girl,
I'll be home soon."
But it all seems to be
A misunderstanding.
Your absence,
Their absence,
My absence.
Just because the road looks long doesn't mean there's not an end.
Tuesday Tellings, week 16

20 June 2010
Eight weeks
Today I wrote about lies.
Deceit, twisted tales
Spin around your head,
A masterfully crafted story
Finds its way into belief,
Cleverly disguised as truth.
One cannot fathom the manipulation
Until faced with both sides,
An undeniable contrast.
You spit out bullshit, you know that?
Your words almost come out laughing
At their own incredulity,
And by now your silence is comforting.
19 June 2010
I struggle with the knob,
Icy cold water pressing on my skin.
A wave of nausea rushes through my stomach
As the water races down my temples,
Drips over my brow,
And slices vertical lines on my cheeks -
The water blends with my tears,
Uncontrollably falling at the same speed.
Dizziness fills my head,
Vision blurring while tears continue to fall,
Drowning in the fresh steam.
We can't rewind now,
Although the dusty speakers,
Seemingly dormant on the counter,
Begin to play music.
Skipping, a scratched CD,
Spitting out the same words again and again
Until my tears grow tired,
Sick of falling and wanting to rest and forget.
So the speakers are unplugged,
But the dust remains.

18 June 2010
16 June 2010
I'm just scared to know the ending
However, you can't have the better times if you don't have the hard times.

Heat suddenly surrounds her lips.
He passes over them,
Slowly moving to her neck.
Brushing away her hair,
He inhales that familiar scent
Lingering on her skin.
His fingertips graze her bare shoulders,
Simultaneously sending tingles down to her toes.
He toys with the chain around her neck,
A small gold star falling to the middle,
Engraved on the back,
Matching the words on the inside of her ring.
A promise.
She reaches in her pocket,
Each breath completely audible,
And slowly takes out a faded paper,
Torn and frayed from
Dozens of erasing and rereading,
Attempting to find the perfect words.
She silently places the paper
In the center of the boy's open hand,
Lightly brushing the creases
That carve his palm.
This paper contains truths,
A promise,
And a confession.
What she has been too scared to say.
She places a kiss on his cold cheek and walks away without a word.
I think if you wait long enough for all your attempts to fail, you'll finally find the right one after fucking up so many times.
15 June 2010
Tuesday Tellings, week 15
We ended up seeing Clash of the Titans... which leads me to my secret.
14 June 2010
Broken, but temporarily repaired

13 June 2010
About to break
11 June 2010
Just get an idea and go with it.

10 June 2010

Well that happened to me today.
I went for a run, minding my own business and in the running mindset. I passed a man, running in the opposite direction, we passed each other and exchanged a smile.
About a mile later, I got a pretty bad cramp in my side and had to stop and walk. After a few feet of walking, I hear someone behind me ask, "not feeling too well today?"
It was the same man I passed before.
He wasn't strikingly good-looking, but as soon as he asked me this simple question, something changed.
We talked for a while - I never found out how old he was but it didn't matter.
He asked about my run, my day, and then told me about his adventures with the Boston Marathon and gave me advice on my marathon plans.
He told me his name was Colin, I told him my name, and he told me it was very nice to meet me and he'd probably see me running around town somewhere again.
Then we went in different directions.
It was about five minutes, but five minutes certainly not wasted.
And after we parted, my cramp was gone.